17 Nov 2010

UVERworld - No.1 [tracklist & cover]

UVERworld 17th Single [No.1] tracklist is finally out and it is to be release on November 24th, which is 3 days before their Tokyo Dome Live, and it is the song to be perform at Tokyo Dome.

1:NO.1 (Number 1)
2:6つの風(Muttsu no Kaze)
3:超大作+81(Cyoutaisaku +81)

Limited Edition (with DVD):

Multiple Jacket Variation. Film Jacket Jacket.

LAST Tour 2010 追加公演 at ZEPP TOKYO
2. バーレル (Barrel)
3. 心とココロ (Kokoro to Kokoro)

Regular Edition:

Glow in the Dark Jacket

Limited Edition:

Regular Edition

credit : uverworld.org

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